
Beach & Forest School

Forest School

New Brighton Day Nursery has an amazing new site at Royden Nature Reserve in partnership with Wirral Council Rangers. We also have access to a forest school site at Mount Primary School next door.

We take trips to the sites twice a week in our mini-bus. Forest School celebrates each individual child’s talent and is a unique way of building independence, self-esteem and a positive attitude towards learning and experiencing the natural world.

Outdoors is also a great environment for building confidence and teamwork

A combination of freedom and responsibility is beneficial for children’s confidence with valuable life skills such as communication and team working. Forest School also encourages children to become more active, healthy and calculate risks better. Activities include

  • Den making
  • Using tools
  • Foraging
  • Observing wildlife
  • Climbing
  • Exploring
  • Safely using fires
  • Learning about the natural environment and seasons

Forest School develops child-led activities that follow their interests and stimulate their imaginations. It supports healthy emotional, physical and mental well-being building greater resilience to challenges and problem solving. Outdoors is also a great environment for stimulating creativity with its loose parts and open spaces compared to a specific toy or technology screen.

The beach offers a wealth of learning opportunities and adventure

Beach School

Beach school follows a similar philosophy to the Forest School approach. Our nearby beaches offer endless opportunities to connect with the natural environment of the beach, pebbles, shells, water, habitats of wild animals, the nature of tides, rock pools, driftwood and sand dunes. The children are directly involved with their learning experiences at the beach, following their interests and reflections.

From free running on the beach, making fires to toast marshmallows, mark making in the sand, bird watching, tracking animal footprints, exploring crab habitats, jumping over the waves, watching the wind turbines at work – the beach offers a wealth of learning opportunities and adventure.

New Brighton Day Nursery is just a few miles from several beaches and coastal areas which have quite different qualities to explore. The beach school offers experiences that include:

  • Building Self-Esteem
  • Teamwork
  • Safe Risk Taking
  • Physical Health
  • Knowledge Of The Local Coast
  • Being Creative With Materials
  • Managing Their Feelings And A Sense Of Adventure

Each Beach School and Forest School session concludes with their group reflecting on their experiences back at the nursery Foresty Beach Hut, where they also have lunch.